After the harvest, strictly by hand, in September - October, the grapes are crushed to separate the stalks from the grapes and fermented with the skins. Fermentation takes place in steel or vitrified cement barrels for about 10 days at a temperature of 24-26 ° C. During this period, the skins and pips release color and tannins. After fermentation, the wine with still the skins is pressed to separate the solid part from the liquid part and put it to rest. It is then racked and filtered to remove the lees and after about 2 months it is placed in wooden barrels to carry out tartaric stabilization and second fermentation (malolactic fermentation). After 4 or 5 months the wine is ready to be bottled and left to rest.
Organoleptic Characteristics: The scent is sweet, complex, fruity, with hints of strawberries, vanilla, coffee beans and cocoa. Typical hint of violet. Characterized by a beautiful intense ruby red color with purple reflections.
On the palate it is : rich in aromas of riped fruit, velvety, with a special hint of spices, with a pleasantly grandiose and elegant finish. It is a highly effective wine with a good balance between its fruity aromas and alcoholic warmth.
Harvest Period: 15th September - 15th October
Yield per hectare: 100 q.lli Ha grapes
Vinification: steel or vitrified concrete barrels for about 10 days at a temperature of 24-26 °C.
Refinement: wooden barrels
Alcohol: 13% – 14%
Aging: 10 years
Serving Temperature: 18-20 ° C.